CPAX's FPGA acceleration offers unparalleled speed, customization, cost savings, & access to the latest technology, all backed by expert guidance. By choosing CPAX, you're choosing a future where accelerated computing is not just powerful but also efficient and adaptable to your specific needs.

Dynamic Acceleration Solutions

Choose from a range of solutions from Cloud to Micro Data Centers, best fit for optimizing resources.

CPAX's FPGA acceleration stands at the forefront of technological advancement, offering an unmatched combination of speed, customization, cost efficiency, and access to the latest innovations. This is further bolstered by expert guidance, ensuring that you're not just leveraging cutting-edge technology, but doing so in the most effective way possible. By opting for CPAX, you're not just selecting a powerful computing solution; you're embracing a future where accelerated computing is not only potent but also finely tuned to meet your unique requirements, ensuring efficiency and adaptability.

Explore CPAX's Dynamic Acceleration Solutions, a diverse array of options ranging from Cloud-based to Micro Data Center deployments. These solutions are designed with the primary goal of optimizing resources, providing you with the flexibility to choose the setup that best aligns with your needs. Whether your focus is on maximizing power, minimizing costs, or a balance of both, CPAX's tailored solutions offer the perfect fit for your resource optimization journey.



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The perks of synergy with us.

The benefits of partnering with us for your project's deployment are manifold. Firstly, our approach ensures a high degree of customization, meaning your solution is precisely tailored to meet your specific needs. This leads to enhanced efficiency, as systems are optimized for your unique requirements, eliminating unnecessary costs and resources. Security is also a top priority, with each deployment model designed to safeguard your data and operations. Moreover, scalability is a key advantage; as your project grows and evolves, our solutions can adapt and scale accordingly. This flexibility allows for seamless integration of new technologies and changes, ensuring that your project remains cutting-edge and competitive. Lastly, our dedicated support and expertise provide peace of mind, knowing that you have a reliable and experienced team backing your project every step of the way.

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Customized to Perfection

Each deployment is intricately tailored to match your project's unique requirements, ensuring optimal efficiency and performance.

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Scalability and Flexibility

Our solutions are designed to grow with your project, providing the flexibility to adapt to changing needs and technologies.

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><svg id="Layer_2" xmlns="" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 1000 806.77"><g id="Gift"><path d="M369.96,384.85h96.38c53.01,0,103.84,21.06,141.32,58.54,37.48,37.48,58.54,88.31,58.54,141.32H355.26l.04,44.41h355.3v-44.41c-.14-47.26-13.79-93.49-39.35-133.24h128.18c41.98-.01,83.11,11.88,118.6,34.29,35.5,22.41,63.92,54.43,81.96,92.33-105.04,138.61-275.09,228.68-467.05,228.68-122.62,0-226.51-26.2-310.89-72.17V321.38c54.03,7.74,105.06,29.63,147.89,63.47h0Zm-236.72-111.03c10.88,0,21.38,3.99,29.51,11.22,8.13,7.23,13.32,17.19,14.6,27.99l.31,5.2v399.72c0,11.78-4.68,23.07-13.01,31.4-8.33,8.33-19.63,13.01-31.4,13.01H44.41c-11.78,0-23.08-4.68-31.4-13.01-8.33-8.33-13.01-19.63-13.01-31.4V318.23c0-11.78,4.68-23.08,13.01-31.4,8.33-8.33,19.63-13.01,31.4-13.01h88.83ZM561.65,32.88l15.72,15.77,15.72-15.72c10.29-10.38,22.54-18.63,36.03-24.27C642.61,3.01,657.08,.1,671.7,.07c14.62-.03,29.11,2.83,42.62,8.41,13.51,5.58,25.79,13.78,36.13,24.12,10.33,10.34,18.53,22.62,24.11,36.14,5.58,13.52,8.43,28,8.4,42.62-.03,14.62-2.95,29.09-8.6,42.58-5.64,13.49-13.89,25.73-24.28,36.02l-172.72,172.68-172.77-172.77c-10.38-10.3-18.63-22.54-24.27-36.03-5.64-13.49-8.56-27.96-8.59-42.59-.03-14.62,2.83-29.11,8.41-42.62,5.58-13.51,13.78-25.79,24.12-36.13,10.34-10.34,22.62-18.53,36.14-24.11C453.93,2.82,468.42-.03,483.04,0c14.62,.03,29.09,2.96,42.58,8.6,13.49,5.64,25.73,13.89,36.02,24.28h0Z" style="fill:currentColor"/></g></svg>
Unmatched Expertise and Support

Gain access to our team of industry experts and enjoy continuous, reliable support throughout your project's lifecycle.

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Our specialties and core competencies.

Dynamic Acceleration Solutions

Choose from a range of solutions from cloud to microdatcenters, best fit for optimizing resources.

Customizable Deployment Models

We'll work with you to identify the right deployment model that best fit for your project needs. From cloud to edge and even hybrid models, unlike larger competitors, we are flexible and can create whatever deployment works best.

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CPAX's FPGA acceleration offers unparalleled speed, customization, cost savings, & access to the latest technology, all backed by expert guidance. By choosing CPAX, you're choosing a future where accelerated computing is not just powerful but also efficient and adaptable to your specific needs.

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MPAX will forever change how data is processed in metropolitan areas. The focus for MPAX is speed, performance and ease of use.

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Closing Remarks

Some final thoughts you may be curious about.

Don't let your project's potential be limited by a one-size-fits-all solution. Embrace the opportunity to have a deployment model that's as unique as your project. Contact us today to explore how our customized, flexible, and innovative deployment solutions can propel your project forward. Whether you're just starting out or looking to enhance your current systems, our team is ready to provide the expertise and support you need. Take the first step towards a successful and secure future for your project by getting in touch with us now. Let's work together to turn your vision into reality.


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Connection and synergy.
Exploring the Future of Video AI: Insights from VMAccel's Interview with Aupera Technologies' CEO, Roy Liao
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What they're saying about us.
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zPrize Technology Partners


this is the second year we've run zPrize, and this year, we're proud to partner with VMAccel to help on the hosting of the FPGAs

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An Unparalleled Experience


"Thanks to VMAccel's FPGA Cloud service, we provide global users an unparalleled experience of running Video AI Pipelines within seconds... Their phenomenal support and technical expertise ensure consistent uptime and prompt responses to our requests...(VMAccel's) unwavering commitment to meeting our specific needs demonstrates their dedication to helping us achieve our goals. We value their partnership and expertise."

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Responsive and Accommodating


"VMAccel has provided us with flexible access toFPGA boards we could not easily obtain from other cloud providers.Darrick and the team at VMAccel are very responsive and accommodating, even though we are not a large customer."

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A Must-Have


"Our partnership with AI-powered next-gen analytics has transformed our supply chain management. The real-time insights into inventory levels, demand forecasts, and supplier performance have streamlined our operations and reduced costs. It's a must-have tool for any modern technology business."

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Explore our Frequently Asked Questions
VMAccel: Scalability

Our platform is designed to support scalability. The only limit is your application requirement. For custom solutions, some prior engagement is required to arrange the hardware. For more information, please reach out to our team.

VMAccel: GPU or FPGA

The choice of GPU or FPGA accelerators depends on your application. We offer both type of cards in various deployment models.

VMAccel: Customization

VMAccel can set up an on-prem datacenter to be used privately by your organization. The package is fully customizable and scalable as required.

VMAccel: Getting Started

To get a demo, simply contact us and our team will get back to you to get your requirements.

VMAccel: Sustainability

We use immersion cooling for all our deployments. Immersion cooling eliminates the costs associated with HVAC systems and also the harmful effects of them.


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Explore the latest insights in cloud and edge acceleration, driving innovation for a faster, more connected future.

Think. Create. Accelerate.

Fully customizable, efficient workload acceleration solutions for a sustainable future.
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